
Agreement for Tutoring Services by KB's Online LTD.

When signing up to utilise our services, you are agreeing to the following terms.


Sessions will be held at the agreed time as booked on our booking system and must be booked at least 48 hours and no more than 4 weeks in advance. Once registered, families will be given access to their own personalised student portal where they can book and pay for lessons in advance.  All sessions will take place via Microsoft Teams, however face to face sessions are available by prior arrangement. 


We offer a variety of diffferet packages based on the key stage that your child is in:  KS3 is charged at  £35 per hour and KS4 is charged at £40 per hour. .  Our experienced consultants are able to discuss the different payment packages and offers available to ensure that you get the best value.



Payments shall be made no later than at the point of booking and at least 24 hours before your lesson is due to take place.  If payment is not received then your lesson will be automatically cancelled.  Why not speak to one of our experienced consultants who can take you through the affordable payment plans and offers that we have available for your ease and convenience.  Payments may be made to the following account via bacs transfer without any convenience fees: Account Name: KB’s Online Ltd Bank: Starling Bank. Account number: 49786810 Sort code: 608371 after agreeing with your personal tutor.



The student may cancel a session up to three hours before the scheduled time for reasons of a family emergency or sickness without penalty by notifying their tutor by text message or email. Lessons not attended for any other reason by the student without giving 24 hours’ prior notice to the Tutor shall be charged at the full rate. If the Tutor cancels a session for any reason and at any time prior to the start of the session, the Tutor agrees to refund the student any pre-payment for that session or to apply that payment to a make-up session that the Tutor and Student shall agree upon.



Fees are calculated per the scheduled time agreed upon by the Tutor and Student. No adjustment to fees shall be made for time lost because of delay by the Student or by early termination of session by the Student. Any lost time because of the late arrival of the Tutor shall be compensated for by extending a lesson by mutual agreement and by such amount of time that was lost. The Tutor agrees to wait ten minutes, upon logging in to Microsoft Teams, from the time of the scheduled session before considering that session cancelled without enough prior notice and therefore subject to the terms set forth in the CANCELLATION AND REFUND policy.



Our tutors value the importance of personal and co-orporate wellbeing and so may decide to use school holidays to rejuvenate and or spend time with family.  We strongly recommend that students also be given the opportunity to have a break.  However, tutors will ensure that their calendars are updated at least one week before school holidays so that families are aware of availabilities.



• The Tutor undertakes to do all preparation prior to lessons and to structure lessons in such a way as to optimize time to the benefit of the Student.

• The Tutor shall keep confidential all information of the Student and shall contact other parties involved in the education of the Student only if given written permission by the Student to do so.

• The Tutor shall not assign any of his/her duties or obligations under this tutoring contract to a third party without the written permission of the Student.

• The Tutor shall at no time be required or obliged to execute homework or assignments on behalf of the Student but may provide support and guidance as part of a tutoring session.


• The Student agrees that assignments, exercises or homework form an integral part of tutoring and undertakes to complete such work timeously and to the best of their ability.

• The Student agrees to have all equipment prepared and available for the scheduled time of tuition. This includes a Microsoft Teams account which has been set up and that the tutor has been provided with the details at least 2 days in advance of the first session.

  • The student agrees to log on to Microsoft Teams 5 minutes before the scheduled lesson time in order to minimise delays in starting.


This tutoring contract may be terminated by either party at any time by giving the other party 14 day’s prior written notice. If more than two sessions are missed in the period of one month consecutively, without adhering to the terms set forth in the CANCELLATION AND REFUND policy, then the tutoring contract will be considered cancelled and any pre-payment will be forfeited.



No relaxation, indulgence, waiver or release by any party of any of the rights in terms of this agreement on one occasion shall prevent the subsequent enforcement of such rights and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of any of the terms.


This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties regarding the subject matter thereof and the parties waive the right to rely on any alleged expressed or implied provision not contained herein. Any alteration to this agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.


Where the Student is a legal minor, the Parent/Guardian shall enter this tutoring contract on behalf of the Student and shall accept and agree to all the terms and conditions contained herein on behalf of the Student.

Safegaurding Policy

Saturday, March 13, 2021 | Policies

Safeguarding policy

KB’s Online Ltd is committed to ensuring the highest possible standard of safeguarding. The personal safety and wellbeing of each student and tutor is paramount.

1. a. This policy aims to ensure that all persons using our services can do so safely within safeguarding standards and UK law.

1.    a. The aim of this policy is to safeguard all students and other persons whilst they are within a lesson session.
2.    b. This policy document contains the responsibilities of tutors, students, parents and other responsible adults.
3.    c. It is important that all persons using or working on behalf of KB’s Online Ltd are aware of this policy and have familiarised themselves.
4.    d. This policy should be read and understood before engaging in any activity arranged through KB’s Online Ltd and the responsibilities and Safeguarding Procedures therein adhered to. Contravention of the Safeguarding Policy document could lead to suspension and/or barring from the services.

1.    a. The contents of all email communications between tutors, parents and students will go via Microsoft Teams.
2.    b. The tutor will not be aware of the personal email address of the student or parent/responsible adult and will not be able to communicate with them directly. The tutor will not be able to initiate first email contact with parents or students.
3.    c. All personal details about the student and parents, including contact address and phone number, will remain private and confidential and will not be available to the tutor.

1.    a. All lessons will be recorded and normally available for play back to the parents, tutors and students for up to 90 days.
2.    b. KB’s Online Ltd may review any session where a report has been made.
3.    c. KB’s Online Ltd will allow access to UK law enforcement of any recording where it is reported a criminal offence may have occurred in relation to a specific session.

1.    a. The tutor shall:
    Ensure that their environment does not display any inappropriate images or documentation capable of being viewed by the student or parent/responsible adult when conducting a session.
    Treat students fairly and without prejudice or discrimination; students who have a disability or come from a minority ethnic or cultural group can easily become victims of discrimination and prejudice which may be harmful to the student’s wellbeing.
    Always ensure language is appropriate and not offensive or discriminatory.
    Ensure any contact with the student is appropriate to their role as a tutor and confined to the relevant lesson session.
    Not make any improper suggestions to a student.
    Not send unsolicited communications to the student or parent/responsible adult.
    Value and take students’ contributions seriously.
    Report any dispute with a student, parent/responsible adult, or another tutor to KB’s Online Ltd.
    Report any inappropriate behaviour or illegal activity identified within a lesson session by the student or third party.
    Be aware that the sessions are recorded and they are available for review by a student or parent/responsible adult for a period up to 90 days.

1.    a. The student shall:
    Treat the tutor with respect and fairness, and not subject them to abusive behaviour or language.
    Not make any improper suggestions to the tutor.
    Have no inappropriate communication with the tutor outside the lesson session.
    Report any dispute with a tutor to a parent/responsible adult.
    Report any inappropriate behaviour or illegal activity by a tutor within a session.
    Be aware that the sessions are recorded and they are available for review for a period up to 90 days.

1.    a. The parent/responsible adult shall:
    Always be responsible for the welfare of the student during the session.
    Always be responsible for the physical environment of the pupil during the session ensuring it is safe and appropriate.
    If they consider it appropriate, be present or available during a tutor session so any concerns encountered by the student can be reported as soon as possible and ensure the student and tutor are behaving in an appropriate manner.
    Ensure that tutors will be treated with respect and fairness by the student and will not be subjected to abusive behaviour or language.
    Ensure that no improper suggestions are made by either the tutor or student.
    Ensure the student has no inappropriate communication with the tutor outside the lesson session.
    Report any unsolicited communications between the tutor and student if appropriate.
    Report any dispute with a tutor.
    Report any inappropriate behaviour or illegal activity by a tutor.
    Be aware all lessons will be recorded and made available for play back for up to 90 days.

1.    a. The Director/Management of KB’s Online Ltd shall:
    Ensure that any dispute between persons using KB’s Online Ltd services is handled efficiently and fairly without discrimination.
    Deal with reports of possible illegal activity promptly, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the student and/or tutor.
    If any incident is reported to the police relating to a specific session, make the recording available for the police to use as evidence in any proceedings if appropriate.
    If appropriate, employ the services of an independent Child Protection consultant to review a report concerning the welfare of a student ensuring an appropriate course of action is taken.
    Regularly review the Safeguarding Policy to ensure they are relevant and adequate to safeguard all persons using KB’s Online Ltd services.

1.    a. All persons using KB’s Online Ltd services have a responsibility to familiarise themselves with the Safeguarding Policy.
2.    b. Any tutor reported for a breach of the Safeguarding Policy will be suspended until the incident has been investigated by the appropriate authority. The reporter may be informed of the resolution if appropriate.
3.    c. The final decision on action taken for minor breaches of the Safeguarding Policy will be the responsibility of KB’s Online Ltd.
4.    d. Any person reported for illegal activity whilst using KB’s Online Ltd services will be reported to police and will be barred from the service.
5.    e. Any person reported for causing harm to a student or subjecting the student to sexual abuse will be reported to police and barred from the service.

1. a. This Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed by KB’s Online Ltd on a regular basis to ensure it is adequate and relevant to safeguarding standards.